Dragon Tiger Online Casino Game
Dragon Tiger Princess Crown or a single card game. Online casino game for those who have the heart over 100. Dragon Tiger card is the most popular new online casino with the form and playing style is an easy, no need to think and analyze too much. And will know the result of win/lose by measure the heart each other. Dragon Tiger is a game that can be verified of both side’s card scores with Dragon Tiger Online Princess Crown Casino, which can make you excited once playing this game with the big prizes are waiting for you. See the rules and how to play Dragon Tiger Princess Crown here.
Playing Dragon Tiger a Single Card Game Princess Crown
Number 1 : is the menu to show your the player’s information. User is to notify to your User, the remaining balance in your account, showing the current 10 lists that we bet.
Number 2 : Included with the field for bet and divided into as the following: High-Low / The Player pair-Dealer pair / The player-Dealer / Equal Score / Chips available bets are 5 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, MAX / Confirmation Bet button / Repeat bet button / Cancel button / Increase-Decrease sound button – Turn Off.
Number 3 : The table shows the statistics results to play Dragon Tiger in the past that which side will win or Tie.
Number 4 : The table shows the statistic how many bets are placed at the moment.
Number 5 : Live Game Image: Real Live image from the Casino is a live broadcast from the casino. It is a live image (Live Realtime).
How to play Dragon Tiger Princess Crown

Rules for playing Tiger Dragon, a sinlge card, Princess Crown game is divided into Tiger and Dragon side

Dragon Tiger or a single card Princess Crown by choosing to bet that which side will have the cards are higher than. K card is the biggest, counted as 13 points. A card is the smallest, counted as 1 point. Dragon Tiger Princess Crown rules that have the form is different from Gclub and Royal1688. By playing Dragon Tiger Princess Crown will use the first card of each side to measure the score first and will not counting the second card. Then, only one card will be dealt to each side and then compare the cards to find the winner.
The payout rate of Dragon Tiger
- If there is a Dragon win, payout 1 time of the bet amount.
- Bet on Tie (equal), payout 8 times of the bet amount
- If there is a Tiger win, payout 1 times of the bet amount. If both side have equal score.